The Alan Cash Brand Has Become Alan Momo And Delegates Are Disappointed- Samuel Afriyie

The Alan Cash Brand Has Become Alan Momo And Delegates Are Disappointed- Samuel Afriyie
Dr. Samuel Afriyie

Dr. Samuel Afriyie is claiming that the ‘Alan Cash’ brand attributed to Mr. Alan Kyeremanten, has failed to live up to expectation and delegates have become disappointed meeting him.

The Kumasi Technical University lecturer explained on the Wontumi Morning Show that the ‘cash’ brand of the former Trade Minister has vanished and he has surprisingly metamorphosed into ‘Alan momo’ instead of ‘Alan Cash’.

“It is a branding that is having negative effect now because they branded him as Alan Cash so the cash should be proving now and if care is not taken, it will go against them all because if you brand somebody in a certain way, he should leave by it. That is what some delegates are saying because they have become disappointed in the Alan Cash brand.”

This change of brand has angered delegates, Dr. Samuel Afriyie simply put and noted that “from the marketing perspective if you brand somebody and he fails to deliver, it comes back to bite you.”

Dr. Samuel Afriyie stated that there has been rancour among the delegates Mr. Kyeremanten has been meeting. “The delegates are saying they can’t see the Alan Cash people tag Kyeremanten with”, he said.

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