Teacher Trainees Divided Over Gov’t Decision To Replace Allowance With Student Loan

Some teacher trainees are calling for the Education Minister’s removal over the government’s decision to replace their allowance with a student loan scheme.

Speaking to Adom News, some trainees at Berekum College of Education expressed strong opposition to the move, arguing that it would place an unnecessary financial burden on them even before they begin their teaching careers.

They fear that financial institutions may exploit them through excessive deductions, making it harder for them to repay the loans.

“We prefer the small allowance to any form of loan,” one trainee said, insisting that the stipend, though minimal, provides much-needed financial relief.

However, others support the Minister’s decision, believing that the allowance system has outlived its usefulness.

They argue that switching to a loan scheme will put them on equal footing with their university counterparts, who do not receive such stipends.

These trainees are calling on the Ministry to increase the loan amount, as the existing allowance is insufficient to cover their needs.


By CUD Wontumi