Tanzania Holds State Funeral For Magufuli

Tanzania Holds State Funeral For Magufuli

Thousands gathered in Tanzania’s capital, Dodoma, to pay their last respects to former President John Magufuli.

He died on Wednesday of what the authorities said was heart-related complications.

Tanzanian MPs signing the book for the late President John Magufuli before the farewell ceremony begins here in Dodoma.
People line up before state funeral in Dodoma

Ministers and lawmakers were among the those who came to mourn the ex-president.

Ministers and MPs mourn former President Magufuli in Dodoma
Ministers and MPs mourn former President Magufuli in Dodoma
Mourning Magufuli in Dodoma

An unspecified number of people were injured in a stampede at Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) on Sunday evening as the body was about to be flown to Dodoma.

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