Nana Fredua Ofori Atta

National Theatre Can Create Over 5000 Jobs- Nana Fredua Ofori Atta (VIDEO)

National Theatre Can Create Over 5000 Jobs- Nana Fredua Ofori Atta (VIDEO)

The Board Chairman for National theatre, Nana Fredua Ofori Atta has revealed that the National theatre can create over 5000 jobs if enough money is channeled into the sector. He said this on Movement In The Morning Show with Kwaku Dawuro on Wednesday, 6th July 2022. The National theatre was built under the PNDC government led by later President Jerry John Rawlings to serve as multi-functional venue for concert, drama, plays, musical shows, exhibitions and other events. An agreement between the government of Ghana and People’s Republic of China was signed on 5th July, 1989.  The theatre was completed on…
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