Supreme Court To Determine Ayine’s Fate Today Following Contempt Charges

Supreme Court To Determine Ayine’s Fate Today Following Contempt Charges

The Supreme Court will determine the fate of a spokesperson for John Mahama in the election petition, Dr. Dominic Ayine, with regards to contempt charges against him.

The former Deputy AG was hauled before the court on Monday for making comments deemed to have scandalised the Court and undermined it in the eyes of the court.

This related to media interviews Dr. Ayine had granted in the name of petitioner former President Mahama in the election petition matter on the Bench’s conduct of the case.

The contempt charges were heard on Monday and the Court ordered Dr. Ayine to render a public, an unqualified and unreserved apology to the Bench.

This purge, as the Court described it, will then determine the Bench’s next actions against him.

Chief Justice Anin-Yeboah who is president of the Court had however hinted that the charges would be struck out if Dr Ayine sufficiently purges himself in accordance with the dictates of the Court.

In his apology, Dr. Ayine admitted he crossed the line.

“I have looked at what I said that day and I have come to the conclusion that I went overboard. I crossed the lines with respect to the remarks that I made in terms of attributing impropriety to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Ghana.”

Dr. Ayine, after one of the hearing, told the press that he did not understand why the court dismissed Mr. Mahama’s application to reopen his case to enable them to subpoena the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Mrs. Jean Adukwei Mensa, who was the Returning Officer of the December 7, 2020 Presidential Ballot.

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