SSNIT Contributors Gain Automatic NHIS Migration

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has started the automatic migration of all contributors to the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) onto the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

This is to ensure that all SSNIT contributors, whose 2.5 per cent deductions are used to fund the NHIS, become automatic subscribers to the scheme. Once their premiums are covered by SSNIT, the authority does not need to wait for them to voluntarily sign on to the mutual health insurance scheme.

The acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NHIA, Dr Da-Costa Aboagye, who disclosed this to journalists in Koforidua last weekend, said bringing SSNIT members, who were the second largest contributors to the health insurance fund, was one of four innovations the NHIA was pursuing to ensure the country achieved Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

The others are expanding the scheme to visitors, formalising the system, improving the benfits with the introduction of the once a year checkup and ending illegal charges such as co-payments.

Source: Graphiconline

By wontumionline