Some African Politicians Are Kleptomaniacs, Wicked – Obiri Boahen Charges

Nana Obiri Boahen, a private legal practitioner, has fiercely criticized some African politicians and leaders for their extravagant spending habits.

According to him, a portion of African politicians are “wicked, thieves, and kleptomaniacs.”

His remarks follow the Gambian government’s purchase of 100 luxury sport utility vehicles (SUVs) for the 15th Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit.

Lawyer Nana Obiri Boahen pointed out the absurdity of such an expense, especially given Gambia’s status as a poor country, while the summit attendees are very wealthy.

In an interview, he expressed disbelief, noting that the summit lasted only two days, with just one day of actual meetings.

He questioned the rationale behind such decisions, asking, “Is it not madness? What kind of leadership do we have in Africa? It is mind-boggling.”

Lawyer Nana Obiri Boahen also mentioned that if he meets God, he would ask whether African politicians were created to be this way.


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