Snr Martin Ameyaw Files Nomination Forms To Contest As Ashanti Regional Youth Organiser.

Snr Martin Ameyaw Files Nomination Forms To Contest As Ashanti Regional Youth Organiser.


As the Ashanti Regional NPP Executives election draws nigh, a favorite of the Youth Organiser contestants, Snr Martin Ameyaw has finally filed his nomination forms.

This step brings him closer to the vetting process which he is respectfully and dutifully ready to honour.

Speaking to, Snr Martin Ameyaw reiterated his readiness to work closely with the youth who forms a chunk of the society.

He reminded delegates of his trademark which is to get jobs for the youth and for that matter he is the right man for that position.

“Agenda For Jobs & Recognition” is still my vision and nothing has changed it”, he stressed.

Snr Martin emphasized that the youth are integral part of his vision and reminded the delegates not to count him off the contest.

“The youth always come to the office and what they keep talking about is that for the NPP to break the 8, they need jobs,” he explained.

*Snr Martin’s* *Political Experience*

The NPP as a party falls within the second category of beliefs to ensure a greater Ghana.

Ashanti regional youth wing of the NPP needs someone who is hardworking, humble and committed to the course of breaking the “8”.

Breaking the “8” finds favor with venerable Snr. Martin Ameyaw.

Research conducted by Patriotic Youth Alliance of the NPP projects him to win a landslide victory as the next Regional Youth Organizer as others prefer he goes unopposed.

Snr. Martin Ameyaw has gone through the ranks and file of the party and has also served all past and present regional youth organizers of the party.

At the Regional level, Snr. Martin Ameyaw has worked and served all past Regional Youth Organizers of the party and that has made him acquire skills and experience to handle the position to break the 8 mainly because he has the idea of addressing the many challenges confronting the youth and bringing them together to work effectively for the party.

His experience, humility and hard work culminated into being appointed currently as the political assistant to Dr. Gideon Boako, Former Ashanti Regional Youth Organizer.

Snr. Martin Ameyaw also served Lawyer Justin Kodua, Former Ashanti Regional Youth Organizer as his aide and campaign manager during 2013 to 2014 regional youth contest.

He has worked with both Lawyer Henry Nana Boakye and Mr. Nelson Owusu Ansah both National and Regional Youth Organizer respectively at TESCON on the campuses of the various tertiary institutions and led the youth front into several campaign on campuses and the hinterlands.

Snr. Martin Ameyaw continue to chalk an enviable feet by imprinting his indelible name on the high echelons of power as he was appointed and currently serving as the Chairman on Committee on Campus Affairs under the Ashanti Regional Youth Campaign Team.

His experience as former TESCON President and Vice President respectfully led the youth into several campaigns and organized the biggest political rally on Kumasi Technical University Campus during the 2012 general election that saw both the Presidential Candidate and his Running Mate, MPs and other party stalwarts.

At home he served the party as a polling station youth organizer, and polling agent for both parliamentary and presidential elections.

His humbleness, hard work, and tactfulness warranted him to be entrusted in the appointment to assist the venerable, Chief commander Dennis Kwakwa as regional monitors of NABCO to ensure the full realization of the president’s commitment to creating employment to the teeming youth of our beloved republic.

Internationally, Snr. Martin Ameyaw successfully passed a competitive exams to join a poll of political gurus in Germany to be trained on “Strengthening Political Youth Organizations” at the International Academy for Leadership.

Snr. Martin Ameyaw’s excellent and magnanimous Communication prowess endeared him to be a part of the Ashanti regional Communication Team.

Martin Ameyaw is a commander ‘General’ and his youth mobilization ability is unparalleled.

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