Sack Long Serving Polling Station Executives , They Let Us Down During The Election — Bole Bamboi DCE Cries Out

Sack Long Serving Polling Station Executives , They Let Us Down During The Election — Bole Bamboi DCE Cries Out

The DCE for Bole Bamboi, Madam Veronica Alele Heming, has for the replacement of all polling station executives for failing to galvanize support for the NPP to make a meaningful impact on the just-ended election.

Madam Alele Heming who was speaking on Wontumi TV/FM early morning show hosted by Konadu Abu Prah, the polling station executives failed woefully when their help was needed most.

“In one particular polling station where one of them voted, we had only two votes during the counting in educating that he could not convince his family members to tow his own political line.”

Madam Alele Heming was doing a brief post mortem of all factors which contributed to the NPP abysmal performance in the Bole Bamboi area during the elections said a report on the elections is being worked which will soon be submitted to the national headquarters for it to be studied so that the mistakes committed would not be repeated.

According to her, another factor was that most items meant for the electorate could not be delivered on time thus, creating a whole lot of problems for those genuinely doing party work at the grassroots.

The DCE was however happy to acknowledge that despite the poor showing by some of the polling station executives of the party, the aggregate score of the party is an indication that it is making giant strides in an area considered a safe zone for the NDC because of former President John Mahama who hails from there.

“Our votes for the last week’s elections compared to the previous years appreciated admiringly and it makes us happy even though, the figure was not enough to fetch us the ticket to Parliament.” Madam Alele Heming said.

More Facts On The Crisis In NPP At Bole – Bamboi

It may be recalled that prior to the elections some executives of the constituency at Bole Bamboi threatened to live the party, “If the DCE is not sacked.”

They stated in a protest letter that ,“the action of the District Chief Executive in Bole-Bamboi is a great threat to the party’s chances in the constituency come 2020”. The executives are also accusing the DCE of snubbing leadership of the party in the constituency.

The Executives led by Chairman Zakaria Sulemana and Council of Elders Chairman Mahama Abudu accused Madam Veronica of” undermining the party in the constituency .”
The actions of the DCE, the executives contend, are dwindling the fortunes of the party in the constituency.

Executives of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Bole-Bamboi Constituency are threatening to leave the party if District Chief Executive (DCE) for the area Veronica Alele Heming is not sacked.

The Executives led by Chairman Zakaria Sulemana and Council of Elders Chairman, Mahama Abudu are accusing Madam Veronica of undermining the party in the constituency. The actions of the DCE, the executives contend, are dwindling the fortunes of the party in the constituency.

According to a statement issued by the two executives, “the action of the District Chief Executive in Bole-Bamboi is a great threat to the party’s chances in the constituency come 2020”.

The executives are also accusing the DCE of snubbing leadership of the party in the constituency.

They regretted that several petitions to the President, the Regional Party Chairman, the Regional Minister as well as the Local Government and Rural Development Minister for her removal have proved futile.

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