Rise Up And Embrace The Role Of Fatherhood; Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko Father’s Day Message

The Member of Parliament for Akim Swedru, Kennedy Nyarko Osei, has called on the Ghanaian citizens to rise up and embrace the role of fatherhood.

In a Father’s Day Celebration Message, the Lawmaker said, Fathers are Pillars in the development of children’s well-being; a symbol of security- physically, emotionally and financially; role model; maintain a healthy marriage; create a safe and loving environment for the family; and an agent of growth in society.

He believes that, on this special occasion of Father’s Day, fathers and persons who assume fatherhood must be acknowledge and recognized. The MP used the opportunity to extend Father’s Day celebration to President Nana Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia , all men in the Ghana in Parliament and fathers in general.

“On this special occasion of Father’s Day Celebration, I want to add my voice to the million voices to wish President Akufo-Addo a happy Father’s Day.

According to him, Father’s Day is celebrated in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Ghana and a number of other countries globally on the third Sunday in June each year to look at the significant roles father’s play in the lives of children, women and the world at large as well as honour men who have embraced the essential role of fatherhood. Thus, as a Pillar in the development of children’s well-being; a symbol of security- physically, emotionally and financially; role model; maintain a healthy marriage; create a safe and loving environment for the family; and an agent of growth in society.

“When fathers begin to assume their responsibilities of ensuring that their children become responsible people to take up leadership positions in future, we will begin to see significant reduction in the number of street children.

“As fathers, we owe it a duty to go beyond all odds to see to the well-being and survival of children, so let us not fail them.”

“I therefore congratulate all the fathers who have done the great service of taking good care of their children; and to all men who do not have biological children but have and still contribute to the well-being of children. Keep up the good work.”

“To all young men out there, i encourage you to live up to expectation as you embrace virtues on your journey to fatherhood and as future leaders.”

“Once again, I celebrate all Ghanaian fathers and all men, Ghana celebrate you; let us all rise up to our divine assignment of fatherhood. And let all men play their parts right starting from homes; immediate environment; workplaces and places of worship for the benefit of our children and the society.”

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