Rev. Owusu Bempah’s Trial To Begin In January 2022

Rev. Owusu Bempah’s Trial To Begin In January 2022


The trial of the General Overseer of the Glorious Word Power Ministry Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah on the charges of causing harm to police officers will commence on January 19, 2022.

This was after the prosecution successfully filed and served on all the accused persons with all necessary disclosures and witness statements it intends to rely on.

Appearing before the court on Monday, November 29, 2021, Chief Inspector Dennis Terkpetey told the court, they are ready to call their first witness in the person of Okaija Welbeck Dauda, a police officer.

Lawyer Nana Benyin Ackon, who held brief for Lawyer Garry Nimako for the accused persons told the court that, they have been served with all necessary documents for now.

On the basis of that, the Circuit Court presided over by Her Honour, Mrs Rosemond Baah Torsu fixed January 19, 2022, for the commencement of the trial.

Rev Owusu Bempah together with Michael Boateng, Frederick Ohene and Nathaniel Agyekum all pleaded not guilty to two charges each of Abetment to cause harm and unlawful damage. They were granted GHc100, 000 bail each with a surety to justify.

The brief facts of the case as presented to the court by Detective Chief Inspector Dennis Terkpetey were that, the complainants are police personnel stationed at the intelligence unit of the Ghana Police Service at Police Headquarters.

According to the prosecutor, the first accused person (Rev Owusu Bempah) is the General Overseer of the Glorious Word Power Ministry International while second, third and fourth accused persons are members of the Church. He told the court that, on September 9, 2021, the first accused including some members of his church including one Mensah Ofori an associate pastor of the first accused person beseeched the premises of Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng alias Nana Agradaa and threatened to kill her which video went viral on social media.

He said, on September 12, the police identified some of the young men including the said Mensah Ofori and Bright Berchie as among the two people in the viral video threatening the complainant and brandishing a pistol.

He said, the Complainants (Police personnel) onboard Toyota Corolla with registration number NR9602-20 visited the church of first accused at Sakaman after the Church had closed service to arrest Mensah Ofori and Bright Adu Berchie.

He said, another team of plain clothes policemen had arrested Mensah Ofori to the Dansoman Police station and detained him. Chief Inspector Terkpetey said, the first accused upon seeing the police personnel ordered his church members to beat and kill them.

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