Resolve Workers Agitation @ Ghana Airport Company – Otumfuo To Transport Minister

Resolve Workers Agitation @ Ghana Airport Company – Otumfuo To Transport Minister

The Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has tasked the Transport Minister, Kwaku Ofori Asiamah conduct an independent probe into workers agitations at the Ghana Airport Company Limited.

The Divisional Union of the Public Services Workers Union (PSWU) at the Ghana Airport Company Limited claimed that the Board of the company is shelving a report which confirms allegations of mismanagement and abuse of office levelled against Mr. Kwakwa.

In an interaction with the Transport Minister, the Asantehene said if the investigation shows Mr. Kwakwa is complicit then, he must be sacked or he should be allowed to do his work.

“I don’t know why the workers are agitating but Kwakwa is doing very well. So please investigate it and let me know the outcome.” Otumfuo said

“The workers’ agitation may be fueled by someone who perhaps is interested in the position Yaw Kwakwa is occupying. So please investigate it and let me know the outcome. If Kwakwa has embezzled funds, we should sack him. But if he’s working hard to service this loan, he should be encouraged and supported to continue his work,” the Asantehene further said


The agitation from workers led to a strike on February 27 over the malfeasance allegations against Mr. Kwakwa.

The union has previously agitated over this same issue and also petitioned President Akufo-Addo on the matter.

In the petition, the workers said Mr. Kwakwa had demonstrated “gross incompetence, insensitivity and lack of understanding of the critical aviation industry and therefore his continuous stay in office will further derail the progress of the company”.

They accused Mr. Kwakwa of deliberately refusing to implement several reports lying on his desk for over two years and outsourcing key aspects of the company’s operations at exorbitant costs despite the availability of in-house capacity.

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