Remove All The Trees Planted By NDC On June 4 — Oti Regional Minister Orders

Remove All The Trees Planted By NDC On June 4 — Oti Regional Minister Orders

The Oti Regional Minister, Joshua Makubu, has ordered the uprooting of trees planted by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) at the Nkwanta Community Day Senior High School.

The NDC led by General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketia marked the 2022 June 4 celebration at the school with a tree planting exercise.

The NDC revealed that a total of 1,000 trees were expected to be planted in all to commemorate June 4, in the Municipality.

The Minister addressing the press at the Kpasa Senior High Technical School to mark this year’s ‘Green Ghana Day,’ Makubu said the June 4 uprising “was a day people’s parents and loved ones were killed and many have lost their livelihood.

“People are still crying over it. For this reason, it is not an occasion to plant trees that will keep hurting such families as the NDC did.”

“We cannot sit down as a country, as a municipality, as a region or a school and allow trees to be planted on a compound to signify this day where people lost their lives.

“We are indirectly saying that if your grandfather was General F.A. Akuffo, Ignatius Kutu Acheampong, and General Afrifa, then it means that you shouldn’t come to Nkwanta Community Senior High School because if you come there, you will see the trees there and you will remember June 4 and you will remember the death of your father and other loved ones,” Makubu explained.

“Let me make it clear, I will never, under any circumstances, prevent any political party from planting trees in the Oti Region.”

“But for a political party to plant trees on a school compound, and especially, to commemorate an event that brought pain and loss of livelihood to other people, Joshua Makubu will never countenance that; Joshua Makubu will never support that.

“I want any media house here that has the intention of quoting me to quote me exactly in the words that I have used, and I will defend that everywhere.

“If you want to plant your party trees, get a land, invite us, and we’ll come but not on a school belonging to the country,” he stated.

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