Reach Out To Us — Ashanti FDA Director Appeals To The Public

Madam Nora Narkie Terlabie, Ashanti Regional Director of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)

Reach Out To Us — Ashanti FDA Director Appeals To The Public


The Ashanti Regional Director of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Madam Nora Narkie Terlabie has called on the public to visit her outfit any time they think of either importing, dealing in or producing substances that are to be consumed or applied on the body.

Addressing media persons in her office in Kumasi during the celebration of Customer Service Week across the globe, Madam Terlabie noted that the office exist not to only regulate the activities of products or food substances on the market but was also an advisory body to those who have dreams and plans to either sell or produce consumables as well as others.

The Regional Director said many were not aware that they could approach the FDA in connection with any thing they plan to do.

She added that with a building plan or site plan the public could visit the FDA to be educated on which products would be wholesome to use, deal in or to procure on large or small scale.

Madam Terlabie asked the public to report any unwholesome products they find on the market to the FDA.

Such information, she noted helps the FDA to take action and rid the market of fake and unwholesome products.

The FDA, Madam Terlabie disclosed has an office where complaints in any form or kind are lodged.

Madam Nora Narkie Terlabie, Ashanti Regional Director of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)
Madam Nora Narkie Terlabie, Ashanti Regional Director of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)

These complaints, she posited could be from product producers or a bad treatment meted out to customers by FDA officers for redress.

The FDA Director noted that the Authority faces some challenges including unapproved advertisements of products on radio or on social media.

Many claims of potency of drugs and products on radio by some radio presenters, Madam Terlabie said unfortunately cannot be proven.

She appealed to radio station owners, on air presenters and social media participants to demand proof from people claiming efficacy of substances and products they sell or advertise.

Madam Terlabie cautioned the public to take particular interest in the things they consume so that they could report any that do not have stamps or authentication from the FDA.


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