Razak Kojo Opoku Writes To John Mahama

Razak Kojo Opoku Writes To John Mahama


An Act of Parliament can be repealed by the Parliament itself and not the Presidency.

So what will John Mahama do to the E-levy Act if in an unlikely event he wins the Presidency with a hung Parliament or his Party is the Minority Group in Parliament after 2024 general elections?

Also, should in case in an unlikely event John Mahama wins the Presidency with a clear Majority Group in Parliament, will he still go ahead to repeal the E-levy Act if by January 2025 the E-levy has accrued about $1-2 billion dollars to the National coffers?

Meanwhile, several of such promises were made by Mills/Mahama’s Campaign ahead of the 2008 general elections including *One-Time Premium Payment for NHIS*. Ghanaians are still waiting for the implementation of this heavenly promise by Mills/Mahama’s Government.

*Political talk to ignorant Party’s members without logical reasoning is sometimes the problem of African Politicians*.

H. E. John Mahama should come again.

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