Rawlings Praises President Akufo-Addo Over DK Poison’s Payment

D.K. Poison met with President Akufo-Addo last year

Rawlings Praises President Akufo-Addo Over DK Poison’s Payment

Former President Jerry John Rawlings is praising President Nana Akufo Addo for approving the payment of $45,000 the state allegedly owed former World Boxing Champion, David Kotei, popularly known as D.K. Poison.

An official statement from the former president office said: “It is gratifying that the President chose to approve the payment on compassionate grounds.

“It is also noteworthy that the President’s decision was informed by the report of an investigative team that looked into the retired world champion’s petition before the payment was approved.”

The statement said: “We have for decades observed how some of our outstanding sportsmen have become destitute because of the lack of a steady income,” he stated.

The former president noted that the best testament of gratitude D.K. Poison can show to the President and the country will be to manage the funds judiciously.

“I take this opportunity to urge our successful sportsmen to endeavour to manage their resources in a prudent manner as they retire relatively younger and have to contend with whatever resources they earned while in active sports, it added.

The statement said it was also important that “our successful sportsmen show graciousness to some of our retired sportsmen who are in need.”

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