PPP Communication Director In Ashanti Calls For Respect Of Privacy Of The Rawlings Family

PPP Communication Director In Ashanti Calls For Respect Of Privacy Of The Rawlings Family

A panel Member on Wontumi TV/Radio early morning show, Richard Boadu, has called on Ghanaians to let both the achievements and failures of the late former Head Of State, Flt. Lt. J.J. Rawlings give them perspectives that can shape their lives.

According to Mr Boadu who is the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) Ashanti Regional Director of Communications, who was making a submission on Wontumi TV/Radio’s early morning political discussion programme on Friday, pointed out that, “Rawlings was blamed by a section of Ghanaians for the numerous atrocities that occurred during the revolutionary era.“

But he made a passionate appeal to those who still harbour ill feelings and may want to have their pound of flesh, “to put back the sword in its sheath.”

“Nobody is perfect and even though others wished he had also been tortured before his death we should consider his misdeeds as part of our political history”

He said Mr. Rawlings has a special place in Ghana’s history because if anything at all he handed over peacefully to Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor after the 2008 elections.

He added, “His contributions and role have enriched Ghana’s history no matter the circumstance because he became the country’s longest ruler first in a military regime and later constitutional democracy so Ghanaians should draw lessons from his death.”

Mr. Boadu was emphatic that the unity among Ghanaians should be maintained “as we mourn one of our national heroes whose reputation is recognized across the globe.”

“Mr. Rawlings was a true patriot and his death should unite us as a nation instead of dividing us. We should all learn useful lessons from his death.”

Mr. Boadu also called on the public to respect the privacy of the Rawlings family and also bear in mind that, “death is a sensitive matter and very emotive so people should be careful with the comments they make else they offend their sensibilities;.
The Rawlings need their privacy in these hard times,”

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