PNAfrica Launches Open West Project

PNAfrica Launches Open West Project

The Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) has
launched the Open Parliament Engagements and Networking in West Africa (OPEN West Africa).

The project was launched in Accra, Ghana and the motive behind the Open West Africa project is to share experiences to throw light and best practices towards promoting parliamentary openness across national and subnational legislative bodies.

It will also help in monitoring and engaging the ECOWAS and the PAN AFRICAN PARLIAMENT.

Parliamentary Network Africa (PNAfrica) is a civil society parliamentary monitoring organization (PMO) promoting Open of Parliaments across Africa.

The entity does this through strengthening parliamentary institutions, convening networks of PMOs in Africa, supporting media and access to information, and ensuring accountability, inclusion and promoting livelihoods.

The project was supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to help push the agenda together to ease some of the challenges Parliamentary Monitoring Organization (PMO’s) encounter during their work especially in relation to having access to information.

They also create platforms that will enhance peer learning and experience sharing among PMO’s in West Africa.

The Open Parliament Engagement and Networking in West Africa seeks to establish a community of parliamentary
monitoring organizations (PMOs) in the sub-region to share experiences and best practices towards promoting
parliamentary openness in the ECOWAS Parliament and national parliaments in West Africa.

Some parliamentary experts across the world were present in person and others were connected via zoom.

From Ghana the Public Affairs Director of Parliament, Kate Addo and Sena Astu the Deputy Director, Legislative Drafting Office, Parliament of Ghana.

Caroline Gaita Executive Director, Mzalendo Trust and Ray Esebagbon the Resident County Director, National Democratic Institute in Gambia all shared their experiences on the need to have parliamentary monitoring teams in every parliament.

These experts also had discussions on the Private Members Bill and the need for it in every Parliament.

From: Obaapa Naana Frimponmaa, Parliament House

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