Parishioners Admonished To Promote The True Life Of Jesus Christ With Honesty

Parishioners Admonished To Promote The True Life Of Jesus Christ With Honesty


Reverend Father Jonas Atarah, on Good Friday admonished Parishioners to project the true life of Jesus with honesty and simplicity to receive forgiveness and help.

He said through the passion of Jesus Christ, Christ projected humility, simplicity and honesty and waved a banner of true values and signs of simplicity and urged all to emulate it as reflected in the passion story.

The Reverend Father, made the call in his homily at the Sacred Heart Parish in Bolgatanga, in the Upper East Region after dramatization of the passion story.

According to him; the banner of truth and honesty which Christ represents endears all to project in Christ’s Life.

Father Atarah, who described the true characteristics of simplicity, prayer and silence and service (SPSS) as important values urged parishioners that no matter the trials and tribulations, the principal values Christ exhibited were key to receiving forgiveness.

He indicated that Christ taught his followers to stand for the truth and whilst reflecting on John 14 : 6 “ I am the way, the truth and the light”.

In the last supper, Father Atarah said Jesus Christ examined everyone and urged all not to allow hypocrisy and pride to take better part of their lives, else joined the company of Judas and when the true characters of Jesus is projected then then Christ come our aid and forgiveness become ultimate.

“On this Good Friday Christ Waves his banner of humility, simplicity and honesty, and challenges us all to emulate it”. Father Atarah stressed.

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