Paramount Chief Faces Ten Destoolment Charges

Paramount Chief Faces Ten Destoolment Charges

The   Omanhemaa, (Paramount Queen-mother,)      for     the Gomoa Akyempim          Traditional Area, Obaatanpa Ama  Eduwa I, has reinforced  her commitment to remove all barriers to sustainable development emanating from         the Paramountcy after       a press conference held on the 26th May 2021 in Apam to destool the Omanhen (Paramount Chief), ObrifoAhunako Ahor        Ankobea    II for impropriety and     behavior affront to the customs and practices of the area.

Excerpts    from a recent Press Conference held by the Omanhen in response to the Omanhemaa on  the 27th     May 2021 in Gomoa Assin revealed the Omanhen denying     some of the allegations against him.

Obirifo Ankobea II      told   journalists that    a total         of eighty-two (82)       out          of one hundred  of fifty-two         (152) Divisional Chiefs including the Paramount Kingmakers and Elders of the Royal Asona Family (Buduatta) had msigned a petition to prefer some ten (10) destoolment charges         against him.

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