‘One Corner’ Paved The Way For Musicians To Resort To Social Media For Promotions – Patapaa

‘One Corner’ Paved The Way For Musicians To Resort To Social Media For Promotions – Patapaa

A few years ago, social media became awash with trending videos of people displaying their crazy skills and moves with Patapaa’s ‘One Corner’ hit song.

Fast-forward 2022, most artistes in Ghana are using social media videos to promote their songs and Patapaa claims he made such a giant discovery.

“My song ‘One Corner’ is what made musicians aware of using social media videos to promote their songs,” he told Amansan Krakye in an interview.

Talking about his achievements in the Ghana music scene, Patapaa said his ‘One Corner’ banger will forever remain in the history of Ghana music.

“One Corner made people know that if you put a video on social media it will help your music to blow worldwide,” he added.

He bragged, “Nowadays people use it for trends but it was One Corner which made waves on social media and even went international”.

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