Odawna Market Goes Agog;Traders Declare Support For President Akufo-Addo

Odawna Market Goes Agog;Traders Declare Support For President Akufo-Addo

Traders at the Odawna Pedestrian Shopping Mall in the Klottey Korley Constituency of the Greater Accra region have declared their total support for another term for President Akufo-Addo and the NPP to do more for the country, stating that the many social intervention policies implemented by the Akufo-Addo administration has significantly reduced their economic woes and put them in a better position to save for the future.

Market Queen of the Odawna Shopping Mall Madam Bernice Owusu, popularly called Sister Esi made the declaration when the First lady, H.E. Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo paid traders at the Mall a visit today, as part of her tour of the Klottey Korley Constituency to canvass votes for President Akufo-Addo and the NPP parliamentary candidate for Klottey Korle, Lawyer Prince Debrah.


Speaking to a large crowd which thronged the market to welcome the First Lady and her entourage, Sister Esi said the NPP government has over the years shown that it cares about the welfare of Traders and continues to implement policies that inure to their benefit.

She said it was an NPP administration under President J. A. Kufuor that constructed the Odawna Pedestrian Market for them and since then it is only under the administration of another NPP government that the Market is witnessing some improvement in terms of expansion and provision of social infrastructure to make their lives comfortable.

Sister Esi said government has constructed a huge drain (530 meters) just behind the market to stop the perennial flooding in the rainy seasons and this has brought them relief.

Additionally, she said, government is expanding their market with the construction of 400 sheds, a 40 seater toilet facility and a bathhouse with 20 cubicles.

This, Sister Esi said is beside the Free SHS, NABCO, resumption of payment of nursing and teacher trainee allowance, and the free water and electricity that the Akufo-Addo government has given them un this Covid-19 period.

All these, the Market Queen said are indicative of how much the Akufo-Addo government cares for their welfare, which she promised will be reciprocated on December 7th.
The First Lady said she is very happy that the traders have seen the good works of President Akufo-Addo and are willing to give him a second term to continue with his good job.

She promised the traders of even better days ahead stating that with the completion of the digital process, especially the National I.D system, traders will soon be able to secure collateral-free loans from their banks to expand their businesses and pay their bulk rent advances all of which will better their lives.

Mrs. Akufo-Addo urged the Traders to vote massively for President Akufo-Addo to guarantee their sound future and that of their children.

Also present at the gathering was the NPP Parliamentary candidate for Klottey Korley, Lawyer Prince Debrah, Ambassador to India, H.E. Mike O’Quaye Jnr., MCE for Klottey Korley, Nii Adjei Tawiah, National Treasurer of the NPP, Kwabena Abankwah Yeboah and other government and Party officials.

The First Lady also met with commercial drivers, traders and Party faithfulls at the Kinkawe Tema Station to court their votes for President Akufo-Addo and the NPP and listen to their concerns if any.

She advised them not to be complacent in the up-coming elections but rather, go all out and vote for the NPP in both Presidential and parliamentary elections to ensure not only victory, but also an increase in the Party’s representation in Parliament.

In her interaction with all the gatherings, Mrs. Akufo-Addo advised them to continue observing the Covid-19 safety protocols especially the wearing of masks and washing of hands, warning that with some countries especially in Europe experiencing an up-surge in infection rates and going back into lock-down, it is only proper that we continue to protect ourselves in order prevent such inconveniences and the hardships that come along with them.

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