Nurses, Midwives Impoverished; Give Us Better Condition Of Service To Stay – Union

The Union of Professional Nurses and Midwives in Ghana says the government can halt the rate at which professional nurses and midwives are leaving the country for greener pastures.

Data shows over 300 professional nurses and midwives in the Ashanti Region have left the country for better conditions of service.

However, analysts have warned that the situation if not checked can impact negatively in the healthcare delivery in the country.

Speaking to the media, the National Public Relations Officer for the Union of Professional Nurses and Midwives, John Agbeyenavo indicated that there is no control in the system as to the nurses and midwives that are leaving the country.

“This issue is never going to end and our suggestion to the government is let’s formalize it so the country can benefit. The fact of the matter is the conditions of the midwives and nurses are poor. That’s the primary of the issue. No matter how long we continue to hold on to clearance forms, once we release the clearance forms a lot more will go.

“As I speak to you now they just released the tail clearance form I think last month and look at the story we are having already. So the fact of the matter is that nurses and midwives are impoverished in Ghana. So the only way to maintain them here is to ensure that whatever is happening outside, even if you cannot do the same for those of us who cannot travel, we should be given the best of service here that’s all,” Mr. Agbeyenavo stated.

He however advised that the government can adopt the Cuba way of exporting health professionals for foreign exchange.

“That can control the numbers that are going out just like Cuba does. If we have an excess of health professionals we can leverage on that and export some of them to make gains for the country in terms of finance. Cuba exports a lot of health professionals and they make gains, we can also do the same rather than allowing this haphazard leaving of the nurses and midwives.”






By wontumionline