Number of Businesses Mahama, PNDC/NDC Collapsed In Ghana

Note the date. Before 31st December 1981, all these state industries were operating in Ghana.

1. Pomadze Tomato Factory
2. Asutsuare Sugar Factory
3. Meat Marketing Board
4. Kumasi Jute Factory
5. Ghana Airways
6. Tema Sanyo
7. Black Star Line Shipping with 15 ships
8. Ghana Films
9. Ghana Food Distribution Corporation
10. State Fishing Corporation
11. State Construction Corporation
12. Omnibus Service Authority
13. State Transport Corporation
14. Ghana Match Factory
15. GIHOC Industries
16. State Hotels
17. Aboso Glass Factory
18. Tomato Processing Factory, Wenchi
19. Pwalugu Tomato Factory
20. Akasanoma Radio Factory
21. Akasanoma Television Assembly plant at Tema
22. Pomadze Poultry Farm
23. Mankoadze Shipping lines
24. Ghana Household Utilities Manufacturers, Sekondi-Efiekuma
25. Nsawam Fruit Cannery
26. Ghana National Trading Corporation
27. UTC Stores
28. Kingsway Departmental Stores and many more…..

By 7th January 2001, all these state industries have either collapsed, disappeared or in coma. Their warehouses were turned into churches. Which political party was in power between 31st December 1981 and 7th January 2001? That party is responsible for systematically wiping out Ghana’s industrial base. They called it #Divestiture. That was their first create, loot and share. When someone promises to revive dead factories, ask who destroyed them in the first place?

By wontumionline