NSMQ Mistress, Prof. Elsie Effah Kaufmann Receives Death Threats

NSMQ Mistress, Prof. Elsie Effah Kaufmann Receives Death Threats

Professor Elsie Effah Kaufmann
The principal quiz mistress of the National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ), Professor Elsie Effah Kaufmann has confirmed receiving death threats from some unknown individuals.

This year’s death threats come after Prempeh College emerged victorious in the 2021 National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) finals.

Professor Elsie Effah Kaufmann however indicated that the death threats are not exclusive to only their year.

According to Professor Elsie Effah Kaufmann, the threats are mostly issued via her private email when a school loses.

Speaking on Kessben FM, monitored by Wontumionline.com she revealed that normally, the threats are issued by supporters of the losing schools.

“Sometimes when a school fails to win the contest, supporters issue threats via my email”.

Prempeh College emerged winners of the 2021 National Science and Maths Quiz after beating Presbyterian Boys’ Senior High School and Keta Senior High and Technical School.

Prempeh had 53 points to make the host and win promise a reality.

Presec-Legon had 49 points while Keta SHTS, the first school from the Volta Region to make it to the final, had 30 points.

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