NPP Government Has Treated Teachers Well – Francis Adomako Sets Records Straight.

Francis Adomako, Ashanti Regional Organiser of the New Patriotic Party (NPP)

NPP Government Has Treated Teachers Well – Francis Adomako Sets Records Straight.

The Ashanti Regional Organiser, Francis Adomako says rather than jeopardizing the lives of teachers, the NPP has rather worked to uplift their living conditions.

In a release signed, Mr Adomako states that the NPP has paid all arrears the NDC owed teachers contrary to what the NDC did by owing them for about a year.

Within the years 2013 and 2016, MR Adomako said the NDC paid in bits the salaries of teachers.

According to him, unlike the 3 months payment teachers were subjected to having worked for about a year, the NPP has fulfilled its obligations.

We publish in full the details of the release by the Ashanti Regional executive.


Teaching as a profession, unequivocally, remains the most important institution in our country.

The profession’s contributions, right from the days of pre-colonial era till this present age, towards the development of this country cannot be downplayed.

It must be noted that all other professions are built by teachers.

As the famous Chinese proverb posits, “If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”

The teaching profession, however, in the country have been confronted with numerous challenges under various governments.

For the purposes of this write up, the focus shall be limited on policies implemented by various governments under the fourth republic.

The NDC as a party, have had the opportunity to rule this country for 16 years under the fourth republic, whiles, the NPP, which is the party in power have ruled for almost 13 years now.

Under the tenure of all these parties, various policies have been implemented by these governments with respect to teachers development.

However, the NPP is on record to be a party which has treated teachers very well in this country.

Evidence abounds to this effect and shall be enumerated as such;

First and foremost, the NDC between 2013 and 2016, after jeopardizing the country’s economic fortunes, sacrificed teacher’s welfare for at the expense of their incompetence.

They did so, by introducing the infamous three months pay policy on teachers. Under this policy, teachers who were employed, were paid, just three months salary out of the numerous months they worked.

There are teachers who worked for as long as two years for this country, but were only paid three months.

If this act is not sheer wickedness, what else could it be? Fast forward in 2017, when the Akufo-Addo government were sworn into office, this policy was abrogated.

It must be noted that all teachers employed under the current Akufo-Addo government have been paid all their monies due them.

Those who were posted in 2016 under the John Mahama led administration, and subjected to this infamous policy, have been paid all their arrears by this government.

Suffice to add is the introduction of Professional Development Allowance by the Akufo-Addo government.

But for the current NPP administration, teachers never received any allowance apart from their salaries.

However, the current NPP government has introduced this allowance as means of making the profession more attractive. Professional teachers are entitled to ₵1200 and ₵800 to non professional teachers.

It must be noted that the first tranche of this allowance has been paid to the beneficiaries.

It bears repeating that the current NPP government upon assumption of office, has improved upon the promotional system in the G.E.S and has increased the Books and research allowances by 200% i.e from ₵500 to ₵1500.

Furthermore, the current NPP government restored the Teacher Trainee Allowances which were abolished by the NDC government under John Mahama’s watch upon assumption of office. Additionally, Colleges of Education across the country have been raised to the University status.


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