NDC Built 2 Factories In 8 Years, NPP Has Built 76 Within Three Years- Bawumia Mocks

NDC Built 2 Factories In 8 Years, NPP Has Built 76 Within Three Years- Bawumia Mocks

“NDC said that they built 2 factories in their eight years regime, but Nana Akufo-Addo and NPP have built 76 factories within three years.” Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has stated.

According to him, without Nana Akufo-Addo there wouldn’t have been the implementation of the One District One factory, NABCO, Planting for Food and Jobs, et al to create employment for the Ghanaian youth.

Veep who was commissioning a 12 unit classroom block and a 200 girls dormitory block at St. Monica’s Senior High School hinted that, the Akufo-Addo led government is building a nation not just infrastructure.

He said that, every District in the country has got its share of the infrastructural projects adding that they are physical projects.

Vice President stressed that, government is thinking ahead in terms of improving quality and accessibile education for all.

He said, “we have managed the economy better. The previous government couldn’t pay the teacher-nurses trainee allowances, NHIS and others but we have restored and paid all.”

According to Dr. Bawumia, Nana Akufo-Addo’s government is paying so much attention from the Kindergarten school level to the University.

“We have our signature on the free SHS. 1.2 million children have been beneficiaries.”

He stretched that, government has waved the fees of the final students exam fees hinting that government will continue to absorb it.

He hinted again that, next year (2021) government will introduce a new policy to aid the students who will pass their exam and will want to further their education.

He explained that, government will support them with loan.

“All you need is to get a National ID card to secure the loan. When you complete school you will do a national service for a year and you will get a one year grace period and when you get job to do then you start paying the loan.” Bawumia told the gathering which was covered by Nana Owusu Achiaw.

On this note, Vice President, Dr. Bawumia declared the classroom and the dormitory blocks duly commissioned.

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