Nana Aba Anamoah Shows Off Thousands Of Cedis In Her Mobile Money Account

Nana Aba Anamoah, Media Personality and General Manager of Starr FM and GhOne TV has flaunted the thousands of Cedis in her mobile money account, tensioning the Twitter community.

Nana Aba Anamoah and her ‘daughter’, Serwaa Amihere have proven time without number their abilities to live lavishly. One might even call them ‘rich aunties’. In a Twitter post, Nana Aba Anamoah posted a screenshot to show that Serwaa Amihere had gifted her a sum of 1000 Ghana Cedis. She followed up with a caption saying, “See who sent me momo this morning @Serwaa_Amihere’s balance is close to 20K.”

However, Nana Aba’s screenshot showed her account balance of over 10,000 cedis. This set Twitter ablaze, causing other Twitter users to drop their momo numbers under the post in the hopes of receiving their share of the cake.

See her post below:

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