My Success In Music Began After I Left Sarkodie’s Label – Strongman Burner

The former signee of Sarkodie’s record label, Sarkcess Music, Strongman has disclosed how he became popular and earned a lot of money after he left the record label.

In 2017, Strongman signed up with the label after he ended his deal with MicBurnez Music, but unfortunately, in 2019, the rapper decided to part ways with Sarkcess Music.

Among some of the songs he released during his stay with Sarkcess Music are ‘Odasani’, ‘Monster’, ‘Vision’ and ‘Baby Girl’.

The rapper, in an interview with Kbn Nkansah shared by Ama Sadat on Twitter, told the host about how he began to experience some progress in his music career and such progress included getting a lot of money as well as gaining recognition.

“I think when I was about to leave Sarkcess was when I started to make money in music. Before Sarkcess, I had some money on money which I could use to buy a car but I didn’t and rather spent it on other things”, he said.

The rapper, during the interview, did not forget to appreciate the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the record label, Sarkodie for seeing him through his growth in the showbiz circle.

Strongman Burner further stated that comparing his stay at Sarkcess Music and now, he feels at peace in terms of making music and other things.

“After I left, there is no stress in life anymore. I am not saying Sarkodie did not help and I have never said that. If I was in Form 1 and when I was with Sarkcess, my level changed to Form two, and you don’t expect me to remain there.

“I have to fight harder and grow. Sarkcess helped me but at the level I am now, I am happy. It’s not about the money aspect but it’s more like I feel now my mind has been cleared of certain things”, he explained.

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By wontumionline