More Ghanaian Residents Abroad To Return To Vote For Nana Addo – NPP Youth Leader In UK reveals

More Ghanaian Residents Abroad To Return To Vote For Nana Addo – NPP Youth Leader In UK Reveals

Several Hundreds of Ghanaians resident abroad will soon be heading home to join their compatriots to vote massively for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for Nana Addo Adankwa Akufo-Addo to continue to remain in power at least for the next four years.

This was disclosed by the youth organizer of the UK Branch of the NPP, Mr. Richard Gyamfi. He was speaking on Wontumi TV/Radio on Thursday.

Mr. Gyamfi gave a number of reasons to back his claim that most Ghanaian residents abroad root for the NPP.

“Topmost among the number of reasons the “Burgers” draw closer to the NPP is the Free SHS policy on education that will eventually bring about prosperity.”

He said Nana Addo’s popularity and fame in the Diaspora is soaring because of his vision to develop the nation on sustainable basis.

“His achievements have become a big motivation for Ghanaians resident overseas to come home to settle because he is preparing Ghana to the compare with Western standards . We all rever Nana’ Addo’s greatness which is rooted in his broad vision. He is a visionary.”

He said Nana Addo’s policy towards the control of the COVID-19 outbreak is another landmark achievement.

“The allowances offered to front liners in the health sector in the fight against the pandemic is remarkable because not even in the UK can one encounter such benevolence from the state. UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, can never dream of any such massive support.” Said Mr Gyamfi.

The NPP youth leader in UK continued that another feat chalked by the NPP which is viewed with great admiration by those living abroad is the reform in the passport acquisition process.

According to Mr. Gyamfi who is a health administrator in the UK, hitherto, processing a 32-paged passport booklet whose life span was five years cost 180 British Pounds. But in the current dispensation, a much improved booklet of 42 pages which is renewable after 10 years is secured at cost of 100 British Pounds. This has given foreign residents a very big relief.

He continued: “Nana Addo plans are generational and called on Ghanaians to support all efforts to retain Nana Addo to renew his mandate for four more years.

Mr. Gyamfi tried to establish a link between Ghana current status and Singapore , the world’s second most happiest country in the world after Finland.

“Not too long ago, Ghana’s level of development was rated higher than Singapore on the index table but through education which has been made available to all its citizens, Singapore has outpaced Ghana in all areas of human development and progress . That is why we Ghanaians in the Diaspora are coming home in our numbers to cast our votes for the NPP to have an easy ride in the crucial election because Nana Addo is on course to make our nation really great..” He noted.

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