Mess Created In John Mahama’s Era Deliberate And Evil- Nana Oteatuoso

Mess Created In John Mahama’s Era Deliberate And Evil- Nana Oteatuoso

Nana Oteatuoso has chastised the Communications Director for the NDC, Sammy Gyamfi for his comments that, it’s deliberate and evil on the part of government not to pay the former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu for two years of service.

“If Sammy Gyamfi is saying that it is a evil to appoint a man and refuse to pay him for two years then it was also deliberate and evil not to pay the allowances of Teachers-Nurses trainee and also not to give teachers chalk during NDC era.” He charged

According to Nana Oteatuoso in an interview on Wontumi Radio/TV on Friday, John Mahama has asked the NDC Communications Director to make such derogatory comments.

“Sammy Gyamfi and John Mahama have attracted curses onto themselves for saying that so they better retract it or face the consequencies.”

“Sammy Gyamfi should answer for himself the number of teachers the NDC recruited and paid during the John Mahama’s era. “

Nana Oteatuoso urged Ghanaians to note what Sammy Gyamfi and John are saying very well for future reference.

“God will deal with you for saying that.” He told Sammy Gyamfi

Nana Oteatuoso recalled that, during the regime of former President John Mahama a lot of massive demonstrations were staged against the government .

He recalled that, in July 2014 for instance, Ghanaians protested against John Mahama over the handling of the economy.

The Akyem Royal added that, Ghanaians again demonstrated against John Mahama over the increasing of Utility bills which are all historical accounts.

“Ghanaians pleaded with John Mahama to reduce electricity tariffs but instead ,he refused unlike Akufo-Addo who has made it virtually free. It is only Akufo-Addo who gives free things to his people.” He said

The Akwanserehene of Akyem Kwabeng affirmed that, John Mahama still doesn’t have any vision even as he aspires to be President again.

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