Manso Nkwanta Constituency Executives Take ‘Selfies’ With Chairman Wontumi As They Endorse Him (PHOTO)

Manso Adubia Constituency Executives Take ‘Selfies’ With Chairman Wontumi As They Endorse Him (PHOTOS)

After welcoming the incumbent Ashanti Regional Chairman to Manso Nkwanta constituency, the executives used the occasion to take ‘selfies’ with Chairman Wontumi to send a indirect message to his contenders that they would be maintaining him.

Chairman Wontumi seems to have won over the hearts of all constituencies he has visited so far and latest to endorse his candidature is Manso Nkwanta constituency.

The executives after holding close door meeting with Chairman Wontumi, gave him an assurance they would be voting for him and maintaining him as Ashanti Regional Chairman.

The National Council of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has announced guidelines for Polling Station, Constituency, Regional and National Executive elections for this year.

Regional elections

The regional executive elections and for that matter the Regional Annual Delegates Conference that has been approved by the council, will be held between May 20 and May 22, 2022.This elections will also be supervised by the Regional Elections Committee.

By wontumionline