Man Takes Slay Queen To Court After Sending Her GHC76.00 Transport Fare And She Refused To Show Up

Man Takes Slay Queen To Court After Sending Her GHC76.00 Transport Fare And She Refused To Show Up

Man takes Slay Queen To Court After Sending Her GHC76.00 Transport Fare And She Refused To Show Up

A Nigerian man from Kaduna state has taken a slay queen to court after sending her N5,000 which is tantamount to GHC76.00 as transport fare for declining to show up at his place.

Mr. Faruk, a friend to the victim who posted the bizarre tale on his twitter handle said that his friend was so furious at the girl’s behaviour that he wanted to pursue revenge.


In his own words, the said lady began to offer silly reasons for why she could no longer visit right after receiving the money. Perhaps to teach this unidentified lady that she can’t screw around with him, the guy went to the law court to force the lady to offer the money back.

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