Make Time To Go The Market To Buy Medicine For Your ‘Nkronsankrosa’ Face – Strongman Burner Gives A Hot Reply To A Twitter Fan.

On May 13, 2022, a Twitter base fan took to his page to comment on the beef between @amerado, a Ghanaian base rapper and @lyrical Joe, who is also a Ghanaian rapper.

The innocent Twitter fan seemed to be very concerned about the state of @strongmanburner in the music industry whereby he showed his concern about the situation and advised strongman that, this is his time to blow.

The Twitter fan’s comment;

“Strongman should use this lyrical and Amerado’s opportunity to get a hit song because being underground for 12years isn’t easy. This is the time to blow”- Twitter fan to strongman.

Obviously, strongman took this harmless comment as harmful and slapped it hot to the face of the concerned Twitter fan. Well, Twitter must be shaking now.

Strongman gave a hot reply which seemed to have had something to do with an ailment occurring on the young man’s face.

Strongman’s reply;

“You worry so much about me that you can’t go to the market to buy medicine for your nkrosankronsa on your face. Next 10yrs too I won’t get a single hit song bro.”

Well from the comment, it is obvious that the Twitter fan was only trying to advice strongman to use that opportunity to make a hit song but strongman got it from the wrong perspective and that he is not ready to bring out a hit song even in the next 10years.

See the post below ;

Source: Twitter

By wontumionline