Mahama’s Lies Have Collapsed, Fallen In Water – Akufo-Addo

Mahama’s Lies Have Collapsed, Fallen In Water – Akufo-Addo

Former President John Mahama’s campaign of “deceit, lies and confusion has collapsed”, President Nana Akufo-Addo has said, pointing out that the presidency cannot be won by lies, as, according to him, are being churned out by his main contender.

“Mahama’s campaign has collapsed in confusion. Mahama’s campaign has fallen in water”, the President told supporters of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) at Akropong in the Eastern Region during one of his tours.

He added that the NPP has the blueprint for the development of our country.

“The second term is going to see the construction of the house of progress, the house of prosperity, the house of employment and advancement in Ghana”. he said.

The President also urged the electorate to reject any independent candidate contesting the current MP of Akropong Akwapim North, Nana Ama Dokua, who is also a Deputy Minister of Information.

“No independent candidate can help you”, the President said, adding: “Skirt and Blouse will not help you”.

“The only person I know in Akwapim North is Nana Dokua”.

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