Kyei Mensah-Bonsu Cuts Sod For Astro Turf Pitch At New Suame

Kyei Mensah-Bonsu Cuts Sod For Astro Turf Pitch At New Suame

The Member of Parliament for Suame Constituency, Hon. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu has cut the sod for the construction of an artificial football pitch (Astro Turf) at New Suame in the Kumasi Metropolis of the Ashanti Region.

The project is being sponsored by the Ghana Gas Company Limited as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Expected to be completed in six months, the project is being undertaken by a local contractor, Best Limited.

Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu said the project will create opportunities for youth in the area whilst promoting unity amongst them.

“Any ongoing sporting activity bring a lot of people from different backgrounds together as one nation so this is why we are also embarking on this project,” he said.

According to him, “the living conditions of a particular person does not only depend on just one item in his life” hence the need to promote the development of other sectors as well.

He said the Constituency has benefitted from lot of school infrastructural facilities and that they’ll continue to do more.

The Majority Leader added that, the nature of the current pitch – the New Suame Division Park often subjected football players to injuries due to the gravels on it and was however, hopeful, that the completion of the new and modernized facility will create comfort for users and enable them to nurture their talents for their future careers.

Mr Mensah-Bonsu said the project was dear to his heart to ensure the development of football and other sports-related disciplines.

He commended Ghana Gas Company for responding positively to the request made for the construction of the project.

According to Mr Mensah-Bonsu, government would continue to be keen on developmental projects in the constituency as he mentioned the construction of roads among the lots.

At the sod cutting ceremony on Sunday, Dr Ben K.D. Asante, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ghana Gas, stressed their determination to continue to be supportive of national projects.

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