KUSAUG Youth Association Sets The Record Straight For Peace

KUSAUG Youth Association Sets The Record Straight For Peace


For immediate release.


We have taken notice of copious disparaging, disgusting and nauseating pressers by some Mamprusi youth in Bawku in the wake of the recent funeral-related-induced disturbances in the traditional capital of Kusaug.

The said pressers are not just littered with lies, provocative and warmongering words as usual of them, but are unquestionably hallow and unsubstantiated piffles, cooked to mislead the world relative to matters of the Bawku skin.

We will in this presser not only expose these blood-thirsty unscrupulous youth and their elders who have taken it a job to always foment trouble in the municipality, but will educate the world and safe peace-loving citizens from the poor and distorted baked history buried in those claptrap pressers.

We would have ignored their conjecture owing to the characters involved, but for the sake of the peace-loving Ghanaians who might be misled, we have therefore considered it imperative to set the records straight.

it is vital to expatiate the Several diplomatic steps initiated so far as part of measures towards curtailing the long-aged conflict by leaders of our beloved mother Ghana. Sadly, the Mamprusis have either withdrawn from those consular engagements or have was ‘poh-poh’ the significance of those engagements.

The press, the last governor General of Gold Cost – General Lord Listowel in 1957, inaugurated a three-member committee made up of Mr. Opoku – Afari, Agyeman Bedu, and Luri Katon. These learned gentlemen were tasked to investigate the circumstances surrounding the disturbances and as such present its finding for a harmonious solution to the conflict. Headed by the revered Opoku-Afari, the committee in its findings and recommendations stated that ” The Nayiri’s practice of selecting and installing a Mamprusi prince as chief of the Kasasi Area is undemocratic and dictatorial “. [page 13 of Opoku Afari committee’s report].

The committee then recommended that the Kusasis should be made chiefs of the Kusasi land.
The findings and recommendations were accepted. Lord listowel, the then governor and inaugurator of the committee then issued a white paper on the findings. Naba Abugrago Azoka I was installed in accordance to tradition as the paramount chief of Bawku.

The above findings and recommendations were strangely rejected by the so Bawku Mamprusis. Mysteriously, a high court set aside the committee’s findings and recommendations as well as the government white paper when the so call Bawku Mamprusis after rejecting the findings resorted to the law court.

In 1958, the then apex court of the country; The Court of Appeal quashed the high court ruling and upheld the Opoku-Afari Committee’s findings and recommendations and the Government white paper was reinstated. The Court of Appeal made it clear that the name BAWKU and KUSASI area meant the same place and had been used interchangeably and that its usage never affected the findings of the Opoku-Afari committee’s findings in any way.

Naba Abugrago Azoka l, was declared the rightful occupant of the Bawku skin and the traditional head of the Kusaug Traditional area. We wish to remind the so call Bawku Mamprusis that the said ruling has never been challenged and is still binding. They should respect the ruling to the fullest and stop engaging themselves in fruitless ventures.

The Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) government in December 1983 enacted and passed the PNDC Law 75 (Chieftaincy Restoration of status of Chiefs, 1983). This act corrected the wrongful deskinment of the then Bawku Naba Abugrago Azoka l and his 15 divisional chiefs in the Kusaug Traditional Area and as such restored them to their rightful chieftaincy titles with the Paramountcy of Naba Abugrago Azoka I firmly restored.

The so call Mamprusis in 2003 sued the sitting Bawku Naba – Zugraan Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II over his paramountcy title at the Supreme court. The highest court of the land in its wisdom threw out the so Mamprusis case. The court sternly warned the so call Bawku Mamprusis not to appear before any court with same case in respect to the PNDC Law 75. We therefore entreat our so call Bawku Mamprusi brothers to show some level of respect to these courts verdicts and stop misbehaving.

The attitude of the Mamprusis does not only amount to contempt of court, but a total display of criminality which should be a serious national security matter. We are by this press release calling on the security apparatus of the state to arrest and prosecute Alhaji Adam Zangbego who have defied the ruling of supreme court and still parades himself as a ‘regent’ of Bawku despite the existence of a certified, recognized and legitimate Bawku Naba in the person of Zugraan Asigri Abugrago Azoka II who doubles as the President of the Kusaug Traditional Council.

The posture of Alhaji Adam Zangbego and the so call Bawku Mamprusi youth is a display of lawlessness and should not be accepted in a lawful country like Ghana. His behavior is an insult and a slap on the face of the chieftaincy institution which he is wastefully struggling to join. His daydreams effort is not just in vain, but a fruitless one that will never be materialized.

We wish to remind Alhaji Adam Azangbego to stop deceiving himself and the youth about something he can never get. Under the sun, he, as well any other so call Bawku Mamprusi can only be made chief in a Mamprugu area and not anywhere within the land spread of Kusaug!

As peace loving citizens, we wish to call on Ghanaians to join us in our quest to finding lasting peace as far as Bawku and Kusaug are concerned.

The so call Bawku Mamprusis in their anti-peace tactics withdrew from the Bawku Inter-Ethnic Peace Committee that was formed to mediate over the impasse aimed at securing a lasting peace in the area.

We were disappointed when some Mamprusi youth disrespectfully roared before senior officers of the Ghana police service and the Military high command and boastfully stated before the cameras that, the postponement of the funeral rites of one of their late family head and a commoner (Naa Tampuri) who died four decades ago is tantamount to postponing conflict.

We vehemently condemn this reckless pronouncement. We, therefore request on the National security to hold those uncultured characters responsible in an event of any conflict in the municipality.

We equally call on the security agencies to arrest and prosecute the handlers of two notorious Facebook accounts [BAWKU LINKS and MOSHIE NAABA]. Their lawless activism on Facebook and other social media handles is a great source of insecurity in the area. Joined to the list is one Naa Tampuri who frequently floods inciting video tapes on varied social media.

We have also taken notice of the unsubstantiated allegations as well as verbal abuse rained on some Kusasis occupying varied portfolios by these tongue-gushing Mamprusi youth in their pressers.

We wish to inform one Majeed Musah Mbagura [a Kusasi man blooded to the MOKPALIP Clan who happened to have hailed from Missiga and has since gone prodigal] and his gang of riff-raffs to properly channel their energies towards tracing their roots and stop their warmongering pressers.

We also wish to ask the security agencies to hold Majeed Musah Mbagura and his gang accountable should anything happen to the reporters/media personnel that they have called out with vile language and threatened so many times in their roadside pressers.

We call on all well-meaning Ghanaians to help us propagate the yearning lasting peace that has alluded our dear land due to the activities of some few miscreants in the municipality.

We are by this presser notifying them that we are monitoring their activities keenly.

We humbly appeal to the authorities to consider lifting the ban on the wearing of smock in the municipality.

In conclusion, Kusaug Youth Association wish to covey our felicitations and appreciation to our humble, peace loving King, Zugran Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II for earning this year’s Africa Diaspora Institute’s (ADI) best national paramount chief award for his contribution to environmental protection and sustainability.

Long live Kusaug youth

Long live Zug-Raan

Long live kusaug

Long live Ghana 🇬🇭.


Asuntaba Rashid

Akugri Gadafi

Awini Comfort

All media houses.✅

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