Kurt Okraku Remains Head Of GFA Juvenile Committee

Kurt Okraku Remains Head Of GFA Juvenile Committee

The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has announced President Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku will continue as chairman of the Juvenile Committee for another year.

Executive Council member Samuel Anim Addo also retains his place as Vice Chairman as some changes have been made to the Committee.

Joining the Committee is Waisu Ali, General Manager of Division One League side, Accra Cities FC. Waisiu has enormous years of experience in juvenile football and will contribute a great deal of experience and expertise to the committee.

Here is the full list of committee members:

Kurt E.S. Okraku- Chairman

Samuel Anim Addo – Vice Chairman

Mensah Agbovor – Member

Eugene Jacquuaye – Member

Amidu Abdulai – Member

Michael Fiaduse – Member

Waisu Ali – Member

Abubakar Kassim – Member

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