Ksi: Ashanti Regional Minister Appeals To Traders To Vacate Otumfuo’s Ceremonial Route

Ksi: Ashanti Regional Minister Appeals To Traders To Vacate Otumfuo’s Ceremonial Route

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon Simon Osei Mensah has appealed to traders and motorists who use the Dr. Mensah to Otumfuo roundabout through to Adum Melcom and Harper road to evacuate with immediate effect.

The directive from the Manhyia palace explains that the route is Otumfuo Osei Tutu II’s ceremonial avenue and should be accorded as such.

According to the Regional Minister, Otumfuo has relayed to him and the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) that he wants to use the ceremonial route his predicessors used to perform customary rites during festivals and for that matter they should evacuate the traders.

He noted that, as tomorrow (28/04/2021) marks Awukudee, the Asantehene would be plying the stretches to perform customary rites.

Hon. Simon Osei Mensah who was speaking in a press conference on Tuesday monitored by wontumionline.com added that, His Royal Majesty would also ply the course for the subsequent festivals.

“We are not intentionally creating difficulties for the traders but that is what it at stake now so they should cooperate with us.” Hon. Simon Osei Mensah said.

He further appealed to the traders to comply with the directives so they don’t encounter the wrath of the Regional Security Council (REGSEC).

The Ashanti Regional Minister indicated that, the affected traders should go to the Abinkyi, Racecourse and other markets to trade there.

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