Metal container kiosks are used for commercial and sometimes residential activities in Ghana.
Most often they’re transported from one location to another.
However, the materials used to fabricate these containers are unsuitable for transportability.
These containers, therefore, end up being defaced or partially destroyed during movement.
Fortunately, the department of Industrial Art of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology has developed a transportable-container kiosk.

The researchers discovered that these containers rusted at a fast rate due to the use of mild steel instead of galvanised steel to manufacture them.
Mild steel appeared less resistant to atmospheric conditions and rusted even faster because they were placed on concrete.
To address these problems, the study developed an alternative design that is easily dismountable, transportable and easily assembled without damaging its quality and physical outlook.

The new design addresses the problem of rust by creating pedestals that are not made of cement.
“Within three hours you should be able to set your kiosk up to start selling,” lead researcher, Dr Samuel Baah Kissi said.