Kejetia Market Closed Down For One Week

At its Emergency Meeting held on Friday, 17th March, 2023, the Board of Kumasi City Market Limited in consultation with experts on construction and disaster management, has resolved that in order to protect life and property of patrons of the Kumasi Kejetia Market Complex, the following measures are to be adhered to following the outbreak of fire at the facility on Wednesday the 15th of March 2023.

The experts have advised that there is the need to assess the electromechanical and other safety installations as well as the structural integrity of the affected area before granting access to patrons.

In that regard;
a. The non-affected area of the facility is to be closed for a further one week from Monday 20th March 2023.

b. The affected area (i.e, connection area) which is the epicenter of the fire is to be closed indefinitely until advised by the assessment experts.

The general public is therefore advised to strictly adhere to the above measures in order to safeguard lives and property.

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