Justin Frimpong Kodua: An Epitome Of Charismatic Humility That Attracts More People Into The Fraternity 

There’s no disputing fact that the sustainability of every political party is determined largely by the size of its membership. Practically, either NPP or NDC is surviving because of the exponential increase in membership.

Unequivocally, this increase in membership is occasioned by many factors, among which are good policies, benefits available to members, effective communication and campaign strategies, et al.

There is one leadership trait that counts much in maintaining the existing members, and further drawing other people to join the NPP, which trait is humility in the leaders.

A careful observation and objective analysis by any single person who has ever come in contact with Lawyer Justin Frimpong Kodua (JFK), the current YEA Boss, will leave him or her with no other conclusion than that, the young man carries a demeanor full of humility.

Undeniably, his kind of humility is an embodiment of charisma which has the tendency of satisfactorily calming and addressing the plights of aggrieved patriots. Additionally, the aforementioned trait of JFK is capable of attracting even our opponents to join the NPP.

Clothed with effective administrative knowledge as a lawyer, together with such other characteristic as humility, among others, I am of the utmost view that, Justin Frimpong Kodua (a.k.a. Okumkom) is the right person for the position of national secretary of NPP, especially, in this crucial time of aiming at breaking the 8.

Now, to all delegates of NPP across the Nation, I humbly appeal to you to vote for JFK as National Secretary, if we indeed have the interest of the Party at heart.

Douglas Yawson
(Secretary, Awutu Senya West Constituency )

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