John Mahama Under Pressure, US Ambassador Calls On Him To Go To Court

John Mahama Under Pressure, US Ambassador Calls On Him To Go To Court

A meeting between the defeated National Democratic Congress’ Presidential candidate in as week’s election John Dramani Mahama and the US Ambassador in Ghana Stephanie S. Sullivan has been held in Accra. .
According to a twitter post from the US Embassy, the discussion with the former President who was accompanied by his Running Mate, Professor (Mrs) Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang, centered on” the recent elections” in which Nana Addo- Dankwa won the presidential with over 600,000 votes difference.
At the meeting the US Ambassadors was reported to have urged ”all aggrieved political parties to pursue legal channels for any electoral disputes and to preserve the peace in Ghana.”
Mr. Mahama’s refusal to accept the election has emboldened some members of the leading opposition party to go on demonstrations thus, disturbing the peace of the country.
In one of such protests held near the headquarters of the Electoral Commission in Accra on Thursday, the chaotic situation compelled security personnel present to fire rubber bullets to disperse the rampaging crowd leading to the arrest of 26 of them
Mr. Mahama has often insisted that the Presidential results declared by the chairperson of the EC, Madam Jean Adukwei Mensa, is a “fictionalized results of a flawed election and therefore unwilling to accept it.
According to him, “The facts and figures on the pink sheets available to us indicate that numerous steps have been taken to manipulate the elections in favour of the incumbent.”
He has however, failed to provide any of such pink sheets as evidence so far.


Presidential Candidates Call On Mahama To Go To Court.


,Meanwhile, The Presidential Candidate of the All Peoples Congress (APC) Hassan Ayariga and five others who contested in the 2020 presidential elections have asked Mr.Mahama to accept defeat or go court to seek redress.

The five other candidates are David Apasera of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Ivor Greenstreet of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Henry Herbert Lartey of the Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP), Kofi Akpaloo of the Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG).

Independent Candidate, Kwame Asiedu Walker also called on Mr. Mahama and his followers
to pursue the democratic processes in addressing their grievances.

“Yes, protest is a form of the democratic process but it is indeterminate in the sense that you may not know what may happen during a demonstration.” Candidate Asiedu Walker said.

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