It’s Natural To Suspect NDC For Fire Outbreaks — Edmund Kyei.

It’s Natural To Suspect NDC For Fire Outbreaks — Edmund Kyei.

The first vice chairman for the Asokwa NPP, Mr Edmund Kyei says it is natural to suspect the NDC as being the ones carrying out the burnings in markets in the country.

Speaking to this reporter Tuesday morning, Mr Kyei noted that the NDC moments after realizing that it had lost the 2020 general elections decided to roll out a plan to make the country unsafe.

One item in the plan as leaked by some persons within the party, Mr Kyei claimed was to burn down some strategic state installations and markets across the  country.

The NPP first vice chairman said based on this background the NDC comes into sharp focus as possible perpetrators of these burnings at the Koforidua, Asankragua, Kaneshie and Kantamanto markets.

The NPP first vice chairman urged the Police to assert its authority and stop the fires.

He urged the security agencies to also intensify patrols in all the cities and towns to forestall further damage and burnings.

He called on the CID department to hurry up with investigations into the earlier fire outbreaks so as to stop persons involved from further engaging in the evil activity.

He noted that persons involved may be following a script on where to burn at the next turn.

Mr Kyei commended the National Investigations Bureau for arresting a suspect in the Kantamanto Market fire outbreak.

He said to be able to identify that the person is an NDC chap and belonged to many NDC media platforms was a good attempt.

He called for further investigations to unravel the persons behind the plot.

Those involved, Mr Kyei noted should be arrested and prosecuted to serve as a deterrent to others who may be nursing similar sinister plans to make Ghana unsafe.


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