I’m Not A Hypocrite-Yolo Star, Cyril Says

Lead character in the popular TV series, You Only Live Once(YOLO), Aaron Adatsi, well known for his role as Cyril in the series has finally come out to speak after he was backlashed on social media for having a baby outside marriage.

Over the weekend, it was circulated on social media that the actor is christening his baby. A shock to many because honestly, no one could think of him having a baby while he was preaching abstinence in the TV series.

His role in the series made Cyril a role model to so many youths as he preaches about abstinence and the implications of having pre-marital sex. He also taught about STDs and how to prevent them.

The actor has been trolled ever since after he outdoored his baby and also revealed his baby mama.

In response to critics, he said that he accepted to make his baby public because he refused to be a hypocrite.

Read his statement below:

19th OCTOBER 2020

Several months back, I, together with my family and some close relations welcomed an unimaginable blessing into our lives.

While I did not envision putting out a statement to welcome my blessing; it has become necessary to take control of the narrative – as unforeseen circumstances have robbed me of the precious opportunity to formally outdoor my blessing to the world at my own convenience.

News of his christening has come as a surprise to many and over the past few days, has stirred up conversations regarding who I am and what I stand for.

I understand that in some of my professional engagements I have come to represent many morally upright things to the masses, but, in all humility, I refuse to hoist the flag of hypocrisy as a substitute to taking responsibility of the choice I made.

The very core of my human nature and some of my professional endeavours underline the need to make choices one can be responsible for – and for this subject, I did.

I am now better equipped as I could ever be, with first-hand experience, to continue leading in my unofficial capacity as an ASRH ambassador.

So come, join me on my mission to represent the broader spectrum of people – both young and old, who boldly accept their responsibilities and forge ahead for a better future against the judgement and stigma that plague our society.

Thank you for all your well wishes and support.

God bless us all.


See the screenshot of the statement below:

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