Ignore Mahama And His Lies, President Akufo-Addo’s Record Will Speak For Itself — African American NPP Sympathizer.

Ignore Mahama And His Lies, President Akufo-Addo’s Record Will Speak For Itself — African American NPP Sympathizer.

African American and an NPP sympathizer, James Carl Kennedy aka Nana Amo Kantimkrau (Hwidiem Chief of Development) has urged Ghanaians to concentrate on the good works of President Akufo-Addo and vote massively to maintain him in the December 7 elections.

He said the record of the Nana Addo led NPP government will speak for itself saying the most important ting is to ignore Mahama and his lies and concentrate on the good works and policies of the Nana Addo led NPP government.

‘Let me remind Ghanaians that President Akufo-Addo has done a lot and he needs another 4 more years to do more.All he needs is a massive vote to keep incompetent Mahama away.The record is clear,’ he stressed.

Touching on other policies in an interview with Wontumionline.com, Nana Amo Kantimkrau insisted that the party’s record will speak for itself, and even worse, the NPP will always be ahead of the opposition National Democratic Congress in terms of development.

To him, most of President Akufo-Addo’s promises since 2008 have seen the light of day, and pertinent is the implementation of the Free Senior High School, making him the best to be entrusted with the responsibility of developing the country.

Nana Amo Kantimkraualso made reference to the COVID-19 free light, water bills, food and reduction of taxes as some capabilities of President Akufo-Addo which cement the fact that he can achieve every promise in the manifesto.

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