Hon Garlus Record At Damongo Is To Build Grinding Mills- Constituents Cry Out

Hon Garlus Record At Damongo Is To Build Grinding Mills- Constituents Cry Out

SavannaNews can report a heated campaign in the Damongo Constituency. Damongo, Capital of newly created Savannah Region, is seen as the jewel of the Savannah Constituencies.

Campaigning has heated up in this constituency and your authoritative SavannaNews will bring you all the authentic updates, events, twist and turns in this Constituency under review.

One major issue which has come up for discussion is the record of the incumbent Member of Parliament, Hon. Adam Mutawakilu, aka Garlus. As readers may be very much aware, the incumbent MP served as District Chief Executive for the West Gonja Municipal Assembly, from the year 2009 to 2013. Subsequently, he became MP for eight(8) extra years. The record of Hon. Garlus for the twelve (12)  years at the leadership of Damongo has become a very topical issue in the Constituency with people from all walks of life discussing the record of the MP.

SavannaNews can confirm that, markets, drinking bars especially popular pito bars, funeral grounds and many other populated places have become an active epicenter for such discussions. Such is the intensity of the demand for the MP to defend his record for the twelve(12) years of leadership that, the MP has in recent times attempted to point to some achievements under his watch.

The MP on several platforms in the past week has began an attempt to put forward his record of building grinding mills, popularly referred to as “Nekaneka/Maneka “ in the local parlance. While speaking at Nabori, a farming community in the Damongo Constituency, Hon. Garlus had this to say about his stewardship;

“ Gariba(title for the chief), since you elected me as your MP, I have built several grinding mills in this constituency. I built one right here in Nabori. Built one in Bidima and another in Langatere. Indeed, I have built many many more grinding mills as your MP. I therefore plead with you to vote for me for the third time.”

SavannaNews can authoritatively confirm that the above claim by the MP as his achievement has shocked voters in Damongo. During the regular interviews of SavannaNews, residents and voters of Damongo Constituency expressed shock that all their MP can claim as his achievement for twelve(12) good years is the building of grinding mills.

Many of them opined that in this twenty first(21st) century when his colleague legislators in other parts of the country are working to promote education, improve healthcare, empower impoverished women, promote massive employment for the youth, enhance agricultural activities, their MP’s only grounds for seeking a third term in office is the building of grinding mills. This is really shocking and disappointing they asserted.

A resident of Nabori when contacted by SavannaNews had this to say about this grinding mill record issue;

“…….. look Massa Journalist, now the world has changed oooo. We are no more interested in low standard performance. We already have a grinding mill in many communities. Please a DCE and MP for a whooping twelve(12) years can not come to tell us all he has achieved is to provide a grinding mill which cost less that GHC 5,000. Please please. What we need now is educational and health infrastructure, support for farmers and women, and jobs. This is what other MPs are providing for their constituents. We are no more interested in the politics of Maggie Cubes and Maneka oooo.”

Another resident of Damongo summed it up this way; “ …… we don’t want a “Maneka MP”. My brother, I am not suggesting the provision of grinding mill is not important. Far from that. But when you are given leadership opportunity you have to do far far more than that. You should have achievements in education, healthcare, agriculture, employment and many more substantive fields. Not Maneka. Now we have a  “Maneka MP”???. Our MP should come again……. He fumed!!!!

The issue of the record of the MP for Damongo, Hon. Adam Mutawakilu, aka Garlus, is still raging like the wild bush fire of the Savannah as residents and voters of the constituency seemed to have outrightly rejected the record of grinding mills as a basis for reelection.

Stay tuned for more from your authoritative SavannaNews.


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