Gyakye Quayson Is Riding In The Tax Payers’ GHC500,000 V8 But No Development At Assin North- Gordon Asare-Bediako

Gyakye Quayson Is Riding In The Tax Payers’ GHC500,000 V8 But No Development At Assin North- Gordon Asare-Bediako

Gyakye Quayson is happily riding in the tax payers’ GHC500,000 car but hasn’t bothered to take any form of development to Assin North, Mr. Gordon Asare-Bediako has lamented.

Mr. Gordon Asare-Bediako a broadcast journalist with Wontumi Multimedia accused the beleaguered National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary candidate for Assin North of starving his constituents of development whilst using their taxes to sponsor his luxurious lifestyle.

“He is riding in a V8 because he became a Member of Parliament. That car cost more than 5 billion. But what development has he brought to Assin North?” he pointed out.

Without saying much about Mr. Quayson’s on-going criminal trial at the High Court, Gordon Asare-Bediako described the case as perjury and advised the NDC man not to delude himself he can escape jail sentence if found guilty.

“He has committed perjury but the matter is before the court. He was a Canadian as at the time he was filling his forms the EC demanded from him… Or does he think because John Mahama says no one can jail him, that is the case?” he rhetorically asked.

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