GUTA Cautions Of ‘Intense Protests’ If Benchmark Value Policy Is Reversed

The Ghana Union of Traders Associations (GUTA) is warning of intense protests if the government goes ahead with plans to reverse the benchmark value reduction policy.

Over a week after the Finance Minister proposed the reversal of the benchmark reduction policy in the 2022 budget, different stakeholders have defended or spoken against the move.

In a press release cited by Citi Business News, GUTA noted that there may be unrest in the country if the reversal of the policy takes effect.

According to GUTA, its member associations numbering about 68, in conjunction with other relevant stakeholder groups in the private sector, including the Food and Beverages Association of Ghana (FABAG), Importers and Exporters Association of Ghana, Pharmaceutical Importers and Wholesalers Association (PIWA), Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders among others, have met and unanimously resolved to vehemently kick against the reversal of the 50% and 30% benchmark value reduction policy presented to Parliament by the Finance Minister.

GUTA noted in its statement that the conditions that necessitated the introduction of the policy are not only still prevalent but even now exacerbated by the outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, which has caused global commodity prices to escalate to about 100%, whiles freight charges also catapulted to over 600% making the survival of businesses very difficult.

They added that reversing this policy will therefore not only be inimical to the growth of businesses but will also spark intense protests that may result in unrest in the country, as the atmosphere is already tense due to the pronouncement by the Finance Minister.

GUTA further accused the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) who have been in favour of the reversal over their “diabolical, insensitive and irrational lobbying of the government to reverse the policy against their local competitors in the business arena”.

According to GUTA, AGI should stop driving a wedge between local manufacturers and other key players in the private sector because their attitude has the potential of causing disunity among members of the private sector which will not help the developmental agenda of the government.

GUTA added that it shall not accept the reversal of the benchmark value reductions policy, and urged the government to listen to their calls and avert any rift and unrest in the country.

Click here to read the full statement from GUTA






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