GRA, Ghana Link Begin Refresher Training Of Stakeholders On ICUMS

GRA, Ghana Link Begin Refresher Training Of Stakeholders On ICUMS

Ghana Link Network Services Limited in collaboration with the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has begun another round of refresher training for users of the Integrated Customs Management System (ICUMS).

The training which is currently ongoing in the Northern part of Ghana is expected to cover the Northern, Savanah, and Upper East Regions while equipping all stakeholders especially customs officials and the freight forwarders in the designated area.

After almost 4 months of deployment nationwide, the ICUMS implementation committee and Ghana Link, the technical service provider put together the training programme to help train and update stakeholders using the system on enhancements and new additions.

The training which started on Monday October 19, 2020, at the Tamale collection of the Customs – Division of GRA office is to cover all regimes within customs and after the Northern part of Ghana will be taken to all other customs collections and Freight forwarders operational areas within the country.

The Chairman of the ICUMS implementation team and also the Sector Commander of James Town Collections of Customs – Division of GRA, AC Emmanuel Ohene who spoke to the media disclosed that the refresher training has become necessary to help update and also bring users of the ICUMS up to speed with new developments in the system.

“We are doing this to introduce new initiatives to both customs and freight forwarders, educate especially customs officers on the new decentralization drives in ICUMS. We are currently spending 10d ays in the northern part of Ghana and will move to other areas of the country.”

“We will share new dates and time of the other areas with the stakeholders as soon as they are set,” he said.

He added that the training had become necessary as the customs officers operating the ICUMS needed to have their skills sharpen to help reduce the turnaround time and more importantly help the government to achieve its target of improving performance on the ease of doing business.

The team from Tamale will be visiting Tatale, Yendi, Bunkprugu, Wonjuga all in the Northern and North East Regions and from there, head to Bolga, Paga, Kulungugu and Pulimakom in the Savanah and Upper East regions to train personnel and other stakeholders before heading down south.

Other members of the ICUMS implementation team that travelled with Chairman AC Emmanuel Ohene were Messrs S. Owusu Ansah, Jalil Abdulrahman, and Dixon Kodua all of Customs.

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